Your benefits
- Comprehensive protection for old age, death and earning disability
- Individually structured benefits
- Transparency
- Online system (LOBonline) for simple control and administration
Our services
- Retirement pension or lump-sum withdrawal upon retirement
- Disability pension starting from 40% earning disability
- Survivors’ benefits for spouses, life partners, registered partners and children
- Consulting and support
Key Figures
Funding ratio
The provisional previous month’s funding ratio is published on day 20 of the following month at the latest.
The previous month’s performance is published on day 20 of the following month at the latest.
Balance sheet total
Number of contracts
Number of insured persons
Number of old-age pensions
Year | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Old-age pensions | 4'227 | 4'585 | 5'154 | 5'792 | 6'256 | 6'777 | 7'394 | 8'009 | 8'524 | 9'068 |
Number of other pension recipients
Pension recipients | 2023 | Development | 2022 |
Pensioners' child pensions | 218 | 24 | 194 |
Disability pensions | 1'502 | -1 | 1'503 |
Disability child pensions | 415 | 12 | 403 |
Spouse's pensions | 1'313 | 72 | 1'241 |
Orphans' pensions | 208 | -4 | 212 |
Total | 3'656 | 103 | 3'553 |
Further key figures
Portfolio, premium income and entry benefits (in CHF million) | 2023 | Veränderung absolut |
Veränderung in % |
2022 |
Regulatory capital | 8'821 | 123 | 1.4 | 8'698 |
Investments | 12'631 | 787 | 6.6 | 11'844 |
Periodic employee and employer contributions | 679.3 | 10.6 | 1.6 | 668.7 |
Entrance services | 764.8 | -130.4 | -14.6 | 895.2 |

Legal Documents

*The General Regulation Provisions have been revised and made clearer and more readable. The annexes to the General Regulation Provisions (organization and partial liquidation regulations) are also managed as separate regulations. The numbering in benefit plans issued before 01.01.2020 may therefore differ from the numbering in General Regulation Provisions issued at a later date. In such cases, please refer to the subject sections.
Annual Reports
Annual Report 2023 - Servisa Collective Foundation

Annual Report 2022 - Swisscanto Collective Foundation

Annual Report Archive - Servisa Collective Foundation

Board of Foundation
Employee Representatives
Claudia Breitenstein | Vizepräsidentin | Rittal AG | Neuenhof
Anita Wegmann-Gafner | Kabelfernsehen Bödeli AG | Unterseen
Martin Winder | VCS Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz | Bern
Employer Representatives
Josef Nietlispach | Präsident | Profilpress AG | Muri AG
Andrea Iltgen | xeit AG | Zürich
Stefan Kehrli | Kehrli Schreinerei AG | Meiringen
Heiko Lambach | Sensirion AG | Stäfa